Create a world
To create a new world:
class YourWorld : public emp::World<YourOrg>{
private: ....
void Update() {
// This pings the update signal whatever should happen on an update
// Possibly: vector<size_t>
// make sure organisms are executed randomly so no bias to 'beginning' of world
schedule = emp::GetPermutation(random, GetSize());
for (size_t : schedule) { if (IsOccupied(i) == false) continue;
// You should have Process method in your organism that
// does everything it needs to do on an update.
// You probably want to pass in your random number generator
// Check/do reproduction if it doesn't make sense to do it in Process
In your .cc file (ex
#include "your world or the premade one"
in main:
int main() {
/* ... */
emp::Random random(my_seed); // Your probably want a seeded random number generator
YourWorld my_world(random); /* or just emp::World<YourOrg> */
// You can set lots of things, look in World.h for options
my_world.SetGrid(grid_x, grid_y);
// To put organisms in your world:
for (size_t i = 0; i < POP_SIZE; i++) {
MyOrg *new_org = new MyHost();
// To loop for my_updates:
for (int i = 0; i < num_updates; i++) {