A wrapper for pointers that does careful memory tracking (but only in debug mode).
Ptr objects behave as normal pointers under most conditions. However, if a program is compiled with EMP_TRACK_MEM set, then these pointers perform extra tests to ensure that they point to valid memory and that memory is freed before pointers are released.
If you want to prevent pointers to pointers (a common source of errors, but MAY be done intentionally) you can define EMP_NO_PTR_TO_PTR
If you trip an assert, you can re-do the run a track a specific pointer by defining EMP_ABORT_PTR_NEW or EMP_ABORT_PTR_DELETE to the ID of the pointer in question.
For example: -DEMP_ABORT_PTR_NEW=1691
This will allow you to track the pointer more easily in a debugger.
- Todo:
Track information about vector and array objects to make sure we don’t point directly into them? (A resize() could make such pointers invalid!) Or better, warn it vector memory could have moved.
Get working with threads
Status: BETA
template<typename T>
inline void FillMemory(Ptr<unsigned char> mem_ptr, const size_t num_bytes, T fill_value) Fill an array with the provided fill_value. If fill_value is a function, repeatedly call function.
template<typename T>
inline void FillMemoryFunction(Ptr<unsigned char> mem_ptr, const size_t num_bytes, T fill_fun) Fill an array by repeatedly calling the provided fill functions.
inline void SetPtrDebug(bool _d = true)
inline bool GetPtrDebug()
template<typename T>
Ptr<T> ToPtr(T *_in, bool own = false) Convert a T* to a Ptr<T>. By default, don’t track.
template<typename T>
Ptr<T> TrackPtr(T *_in, bool own = true) Convert a T* to a Ptr<T> that we DO track.
template<typename T, typename ...ARGS>
Ptr<T> NewPtr(ARGS&&... args) Create a new Ptr of the target type; use the args in the constructor.
template<typename T>
Ptr<T> CopyPtr(Ptr<T> in) Copy an object pointed to and return a Ptr to the copy.
template<typename T>
vector<Ptr<T>> CopyPtrs(const vector<Ptr<T>> &in) Copy a vector of objects pointed to; return a vector of Ptrs to the new copies.
template<typename TYPE>
class Ptr - #include <type_traits.hpp>
Public Functions
inline Ptr()
Default constructor.
inline ~Ptr()
inline bool IsNull() const
inline void NewArray(size_t array_size)
inline void Delete()
inline void DeleteArray()
inline size_t Hash() const noexcept
inline operator bool()
inline operator bool() const
template<typename T>
inline void FillMemoryFunction(const size_t num_bytes, T fill_fun) Fill an array with the provided fill_value. If fill_value is a function, repeatedly call function.
template<typename T>
inline void FillMemory(const size_t num_bytes, T fill_value) Fill an array with the provided fill_value. If fill_value is a function, repeatedly call function.
inline int DebugGetCount() const
inline bool DebugIsArray() const
inline size_t DebugGetArrayBytes() const
inline bool DebugIsActive() const
inline bool OK() const
struct hash_t
- #include <Ptr.hpp>
inline Ptr()
class PtrInfo
- #include <Ptr.hpp>
Public Functions
inline PtrInfo(const void *_ptr)
inline PtrInfo(const void *_ptr, size_t _array_bytes)
inline ~PtrInfo()
inline const void *GetPtr() const noexcept
What pointer does this one hold information about?
inline int GetCount() const noexcept
How many Ptr objects point to the associated position?
inline size_t GetArrayBytes() const noexcept
If this ptr is to an array, how many bytes large is the array (may be different from size!)
inline bool IsActive() const noexcept
Is this pointer currently valid to access?
inline bool IsArray() const noexcept
Is this pointer pointing to an array?
inline void SetArray(size_t bytes) noexcept
Denote that this pointer is an array.
inline void Inc([[maybe_unused]] const size_t id)
Add one more pointer.
inline void Dec([[maybe_unused]] const size_t id)
Remove a pointer.
inline void MarkDeleted()
Indicate that the associated position has been deleted.
inline bool OK() const noexcept
Debug utility to determine if everything looks okay with this pointer’s information.
inline PtrInfo(const void *_ptr)
class PtrTracker
- #include <Ptr.hpp>
Facilitate tracking of all Ptr objects in this run.
Public Functions
inline ~PtrTracker()
inline bool HasPtr(const void *ptr) const
Determine if a pointer is being tracked.
inline size_t GetCurID(const void *ptr)
Retrieve the ID associated with a pointer.
inline size_t GetNumIDs() const
Lookup how many pointers are being tracked.
inline size_t GetArrayBytes(size_t id) const
How big is an array associated with an ID?
inline bool IsDeleted(size_t id) const
Check if an ID is for a pointer that has been deleted.
inline bool IsActive(const void *ptr)
Is a pointer active and ready to be used?
inline bool IsActiveID(size_t id)
Is a pointer id associated with a pointer that’s active and ready to be used?
inline bool IsArrayID(size_t id)
Is an ID associated with an array?
inline int GetIDCount(size_t id) const
How many Ptr objects are associated with an ID?
inline size_t New(const void *ptr)
This pointer was just created as a Ptr!
inline size_t NewArray(const void *ptr, size_t array_bytes)
This pointer was just created as a Ptr ARRAY!
inline void IncID(size_t id)
Increment the number of Pointers associated with an ID.
inline void DecID(size_t id)
Decrement the number of Pointers associated with an ID.
inline void MarkDeleted(size_t id)
Mark the pointers associated with this ID as deleted.
Public Static Functions
static inline PtrTracker &Get()
Treat this class as a singleton with a single Get() method to retrieve it.
Private Functions
inline PtrTracker()
PtrTracker(const PtrTracker&) = delete
PtrTracker(PtrTracker&&) = delete
PtrTracker &operator=(const PtrTracker&) = delete
PtrTracker &operator=(PtrTracker&&) = delete
Private Members
Private Static Attributes
static constexpr size_t UNTRACKED_ID = (size_t)-1
inline ~PtrTracker()
template<typename TYPE>
class BasePtr - #include <Ptr.hpp>
Public Functions
class BasePtr<void> - #include <Ptr.hpp>
Base class with functionality only needed in void pointers.
Public Functions
inline BasePtr(void *in_ptr)
Protected Attributes
void *ptr
The raw pointer associated with this Ptr object.
inline BasePtr(void *in_ptr)
class BasePtr<const void> - #include <Ptr.hpp>
Public Functions
inline BasePtr(const void *in_ptr)
Protected Attributes
const void *ptr
The raw pointer associated with this Ptr object.
inline BasePtr(const void *in_ptr)
template<typename TYPE>
class Ptr - #include <type_traits.hpp>
Public Types
using element_type = TYPE
Public Functions
inline Ptr()
Default constructor.
template<typename T2>
inline Ptr(T2 *in_ptr, bool = false) Construct from raw ptr.
template<typename T2>
inline Ptr(T2 *_ptr, size_t, bool) Construct from array.
inline Ptr(std::nullptr_t)
From nullptr.
inline ~Ptr()
inline bool IsNull() const
inline TYPE *Raw() const
inline TYPE *Raw(size_t pos) const
template<typename ...T>
inline void New(T&&... args)
inline void NewArray(size_t array_size)
inline void Delete()
inline void DeleteArray()
inline size_t Hash() const noexcept
inline operator TYPE*()
inline operator bool()
inline operator bool() const
template<typename T>
inline bool operator==(const T &in_ptr) const
template<typename T>
inline bool operator!=(const T &in_ptr) const
template<typename T>
inline bool operator<(const T &in_ptr) const
template<typename T>
inline bool operator>(const T &in_ptr) const
template<typename T>
inline bool operator<=(const T &in_ptr) const
template<typename T>
inline bool operator>=(const T &in_ptr) const
template<typename T>
inline void FillMemoryFunction(const size_t num_bytes, T fill_fun) Fill an array with the provided fill_value. If fill_value is a function, repeatedly call function.
template<typename T>
inline void FillMemory(const size_t num_bytes, T fill_value) Fill an array with the provided fill_value. If fill_value is a function, repeatedly call function.
inline int DebugGetCount() const
inline bool DebugIsArray() const
inline size_t DebugGetArrayBytes() const
inline bool DebugIsActive() const
inline bool OK() const
struct hash_t
- #include <Ptr.hpp>
using element_type = TYPE