A COL x ROW matrix of bits and provides easy indexing and manipulation.
Status: BETA
template<size_t COLS, size_t ROWS>
class BitMatrix - #include <BitMatrix.hpp>
A simple class to manage a COLS x ROWS matrix of bits.
Bits are translated to a bitset with 0 in the upper left and moving through bits from left to right and top to bottom. For example, the indices in a 3x3 bit matrix would be organized as such:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Public Functions
inline BitMatrix()
inline ~BitMatrix()
inline constexpr size_t NumRows() const
How many rows are in this matrix?
inline constexpr size_t NumCols() const
How many columns are in this matrix?
inline constexpr size_t GetSize() const
How many total cells are in this matrix?
inline bool Any() const
inline bool None() const
inline bool All() const
inline bool Get(size_t col, size_t row) const
inline bool Get(size_t id) const
inline void Set(size_t col, size_t row, bool val = true)
inline void Set(size_t id)
inline void Unset(size_t col, size_t row)
inline void Unset(size_t id)
inline void Flip(size_t col, size_t row)
inline void Flip(size_t id)
inline void SetAll()
inline void SetCol(size_t col)
inline void SetRow(size_t row)
inline void Clear()
inline void ClearCol(size_t col)
inline void ClearRow(size_t row)
inline size_t CountOnes() const
Count the number of set bits in the matrix.
inline int FindOne() const
Find the position of the first non-zero bit. size_t FindOne() const { return (~bits & (bits - 1)).count(); }
inline BitMatrix GetRegion(size_t start_pos) const
Find all points reachable from the start position.
inline bool IsConnected() const
Does this bit matrix represent a connected set of ones?
inline bool Has2x2() const
Does this bit matrix have any 2x2 square of ones in it?
Public Static Functions
template<size_t COL_ID>
static inline const BitSet<COLS * ROWS> &MaskCol() Keep only a single column of values, reducing all others to zeros.
template<size_t ROW_ID>
static inline const BitSet<COLS * ROWS> &MaskRow() Keep only a single row of values, reducing all others to zeros.
static inline size_t ToCol(size_t id)
Identify which column a specific ID is part of.
static inline size_t ToRow(size_t id)
Identify which row a specific ID is part of.
static inline size_t ToID(size_t col, size_t row)
Identify the ID associated with a specified row and column.
inline BitMatrix()