Tools for processing a single set of data.
A DataLog takes in a continuous series of data and allows for easy analysis, both by performing calculations on those values and by outputting ascii histograms, etc.
Status: ALPHA
template<typename T>
class DataLog - #include <DataLog.hpp>
Public Functions
DataLog() = default
inline size_t GetSize()
inline size_t size()
inline void AsciiBarGraph(size_t max_width = 80, bool show_scale = true, bool max_scale_1 = true, std::ostream &os = std::cout)
The following function prints an ascii bar graph on to the screen (or provided stream).
- Parameters:
max_width – What’s the widest bars allowed?
show_scale – Should we show the scale at bottom.
max_scale_1 – Should we limit scaling to 1:1?
os – Where to output the bar graph?
inline void AsciiHistogram(size_t num_bins = 40, size_t max_width = 80, bool show_scale = true, std::ostream &os = std::cout)
Take the input data, break it into bins, and print it as a bar graph.
- Parameters:
num_bins – How many bins in histogram?
max_width – What’s the widest bars allowed?
show_scale – Should we show the scale at bottom?
os – Where to output the bar graph?
DataLog() = default