A template wrapper that will either enforce functionality or provide default functions.
Starting in future versions of C++, a concept is a set of requirements for a class to be used in a template. This wrapper around a class is slightly more powerful than that. It can either REQUIRE or marks as OPTIONAL specific member functions, variables or types for a wrapped class. REQUIRE-d members must be available in the internal class. OPTIONAL members are giving a default that will be used for classes where that member is missing.
Use the EMP_BUILD_CONCEPT macro to create a new concept wrapper. Provide it with the wrapper name, and all of the rules. Note that since we are setting up an interface here, all of the members below are public unless otherwise stated. The allowable rule types are:
REQUIRED_FUN ( FUNCTION_NAME, ERROR_MESSAGE, RETURN_TYPE, ARG_TYPES… ) Setup a member function called FUNCTION_NAME that is required to already be defined in the wrapped class. If it does not exist there, trigger the ERROR_MESSAGE during compilation. The function signature is needed to automate testing if the member function exists.
OPTIONAL_FUN ( FUNCTION_NAME, DEFAULT_ACTION, RETURN_TYPE, ARG_TYPES… ) Setup a member function called FUNCTION_NAME. If it already exists in the wrapped class, redirect to that version when called. If it does not already exist, perform the DEFAULT_ACTION instead (using arg1, arg2, etc as the arguments). The function signature is needed to automate testing if the member function exists.
REQUIRED_OVERLOAD_FUN ( FUNCTION_NAME, ERROR_MESSAGE, RETURN_TYPE, ARG1_TYPES, OTHER_ARGS… ) Setup a set of overloaded member functions called FUNCTION_NAME that varies the first parameter (and may have additional parameters with fixed types. ARG1_TYPES must be an TypePack that includes the full set of types to be used for the first parameter. Zero or more additional parameters may be included in OTHER_ARGS. The wrapped class must already define the full set of overloaded functions by the correct name and with the correct RETURN_TYPE or else the ERROR_MESSAGE will be triggered. Example: REQUIRED_OVERLOAD_FUN ( CountValues, “Missing templated CountValues!”, int, TypePack<int, char, double> ); This will allow CountValues to be correctly redirected if called with any of the three specified types as its one parameter.
REQUIRED_TYPE ( TYPE_NAME, ERROR_MESSAGE ) Setup a member type called TYPE_NAME that is required to be defined in the wrapped class. If it does not exist there, trigger the ERROR_MESSAGE during compilation.
OPTIONAL_TYPE ( TYPE_NAME, DEFAULT_TYPE ) Setup a member type called TYPE_NAME. If it already exists in the wrapped class, use that version. Otherwise set it to DEFAULT_TYPE provided.
PRIVATE ( CODE ) All code provided will appear in the private portion of the wrapper. Any identifiers defined in this code will shadow public defined in the class being wrapped.
PROTECTED ( CODE ) All code provided will appear in the protected portion of the wrapper. Any identifiers defined in this code will shadow public defined in the class being wrapped.
PUBLIC ( CODE ) All code provided will appear in the public portion of the wrapper. Any identifiers defined in this code will shadow public defined in the class being wrapped.
DEVELOPER NOTES: Internally, the base class declares all required and optional functions a pure virtual.
The wrapper is a templated class that takes in the wrapped class and inherits from BOTH the base class and the wrapped class.
When a function is called in the base class, it automatically redirects to the derived class (via normal virtual functionality), which will then either redirect the call to the wrapped class or (if optional and not implemented in the wrapped class) executes the default code.
- Todo:
: Add the ability to rename functions from the base class.
: Add the ability to list several functions, requiring only one to exist. (This can be done by surrounding all names in parens to build a pack)
Currently not implementing vars (to encourage accessor-based interface), but it would look like:
REQUIRED_VAR ( VAR_NAME, ERROR_MESSAGE, TYPE ) Setup a member variable called VAR_NAME that is required to already be declared in the wrapped class. If it does not exist there, trigger the ERROR_MESSAGE during compilation.
OPTIONAL_VAR ( VAR_NAME, DEFAULT_VALUE, TYPE ) Setup a member variable called VAR_NAME. If it already exists in the wrapped class, use that version. If it does not already exist, create it with the provided TYPE and set it to the DEFAULT_VALUE provided.
: Requires C++-17 to function properly!