Simple functions to manipulate strings. Status: RELEASE.
static inline const std::string &empty_string()
Return a const reference to an empty string. This function is useful to implement other functions that need to return a const reference for efficiency, but also need a null response.
static inline size_t count(const std::string &str, char c)
Count the number of times a specific character appears in a string (a clean shortcut to std::count)
static inline bool is_literal_char(const std::string &value)
Test if an input string is properly formatted as a literal character.
static inline bool is_literal_string(const std::string &value, const std::string "e_marks = "\"")
Test if an input string is properly formatted as a literal string.
static inline std::string diagnose_literal_string(const std::string &value, const std::string "e_marks = "\"")
Test if an input string is properly formatted as a literal string.
static inline bool is_composed_of(const std::string &test_str, const std::string &char_set)
Determine if a string is composed only of a set of characters (represented as a string)
inline bool has_whitespace(const std::string &str)
Determine if there is whitespace anywhere in a string.
inline bool is_lower(const std::string &str)
Determine if there are only lowercase letters in a string.
inline bool is_upper(const std::string &str)
Determine if there are only uppercase letters in a string.
inline bool is_identifier(const std::string &str)
Determine if string is only letters, digits, or underscore (‘_’).
static inline bool has_one_of(const std::string &str, const std::string &char_set)
Determine if a specified set of characters appears anywhere in a string.
template<typename ...FUNS>
static inline bool is_valid(const std::string &str, FUNS... funs) For a string to be valid, each character must pass at least one provided function.
inline bool has_prefix(const std::string &in_string, const std::string &prefix)
Test if a string has a given prefix.
static inline size_t find_quote_match(std::string_view in_string, const size_t start_pos = 0, char mark = '"')
static inline size_t find_paren_match(std::string_view in_string, const size_t start_pos = 0, const char open = '(', const char close = ')', const bool skip_quotes = true)
static inline size_t find(std::string_view in_string, std::string target, size_t start_pos, bool skip_quotes = false, bool skip_parens = false, bool skip_braces = false, bool skip_brackets = false)
static inline void find_all(std::string_view in_string, char target, vector<size_t> &results, const bool skip_quotes = false, bool skip_parens = false, bool skip_braces = false, bool skip_brackets = false)
static inline vector<size_t> find_all(std::string_view in_string, char target, bool skip_quotes = false, bool skip_parens = false, bool skip_braces = false, bool skip_brackets = false)
template<typename ...Ts>
static inline size_t find_any_of_from(const std::string &test_str, size_t start_pos, std::string test1, Ts... tests) Return the first position found for any of a set of substring tests (or std::string::npos if none are found).
template<typename T, typename ...Ts>
static inline size_t find_any_of(const std::string &test_str, T test1, Ts... tests)
static inline size_t find_id(std::string_view in_string, std::string target, size_t start_pos, bool skip_quotes = true, bool skip_parens = false, bool skip_braces = false, bool skip_brackets = false)
static inline std::string to_escaped_string(char value)
Convert a single character to one that uses a proper escape sequence (in a string) if needed.
static inline std::string to_escaped_string(const std::string &value)
Convert a full string to one that uses proper escape sequences, as needed.
inline std::string to_web_safe_string(const std::string &value)
Take a string and replace reserved HTML characters with character entities.
template<bool encode_space = false>
std::string url_encode(const std::string &value) Returns url encoding of value. See
template<bool decode_plus = false>
std::string url_decode(const std::string &str) Returns url decoding of string. See
template<typename T>
inline std::enable_if<!IsIterable<T>::value, std::string>::type to_literal(const T &value) Take a value and convert it to a C++-style literal.
static inline std::string to_literal(char value)
Take a char and convert it to a C++-style literal.
static inline std::string to_literal(const std::string &value)
Take a string or iterable and convert it to a C++-style literal.
static inline char from_literal_char(const std::string &value)
Convert a literal character representation to an actual string. (i.e., ‘A’, ‘;’, or ‘
static inline std::string from_literal_string(const std::string &value, [[maybe_unused]] const std::string "e_marks = "\"")
Convert a literal string representation to an actual string.
static inline std::string to_titlecase(std::string value)
Make first letter of each word upper case.
static inline std::string to_roman_numeral(int val, const std::string &prefix = "")
Convert an integer to a roman numeral string.
static inline void trim_whitespace(std::string &in_str)
Remove whitespace from the beginning or end of a string.
static inline void compress_whitespace(std::string &in_string)
Every time one or more whitespace characters appear replace them with a single space.
static inline void remove_whitespace(std::string &in_string)
Remove all whitespace from anywhere within a string.
static inline void remove_punctuation(std::string &in_string)
Remove all characters from a string except letters, numbers, and whitespace.
static inline void remove_chars(std::string &in_string, std::string chars)
Remove instances of characters from file.
static inline std::string combine_strings(const string_vec_t &strings, std::string spacer = " ")
static inline std::string to_english_list(const string_vec_t &strings)
Convert a vector of strings to an English list, such as “one, two, three, and four.”.
static inline string_vec_t transform_strings(const string_vec_t &in_strings, std::function<std::string(const std::string&)> fun)
Transform all strings in a vector.
static inline string_vec_t quote_strings(const string_vec_t &in_strings, const std::string quote = "'")
Put all strings provided in quotes (Like ‘this’), pre- and post-fixing another string if provided.
static inline string_vec_t quote_strings(const string_vec_t &in_strings, const std::string open_quote, const std::string close_quote)
Pre-pend and post-pend specified sequences to all strings provided.
static inline std::string to_quoted_list(const string_vec_t &in_strings, const std::string quote = "'")
Take a vector of strings, put them in quotes, and then transform it into an English list.
static inline std::string string_pop_fixed(std::string &in_string, std::size_t end_pos, size_t delim_size = 0)
Pop a segment from the beginning of a string as another string, shortening original.
static inline std::string string_get_range(const std::string &in_string, std::size_t start_pos, std::size_t end_pos)
Get a segment from the beginning of a string as another string, leaving original untouched.
inline std::string string_pop(std::string &in_string, const char delim = ' ')
Remove a prefix of the input string (up to a specified delimeter) and return it. If the delimeter is not found, return the entire input string and clear it.
inline std::string string_get(const std::string &in_string, const char delim = ' ', size_t start_pos = 0)
Return a prefix of the input string (up to a specified delimeter), but do not modify it. If the delimeter is not found, return the entire input string.
inline std::string string_pop(std::string &in_string, const std::string &delim_set)
Remove a prefix of the input string (up to any of a specified set of delimeters) and return it. If the delimeter is not found, return the entire input string and clear it.
inline std::string string_get(const std::string &in_string, const std::string &delim_set, size_t start_pos = 0)
Return a prefix of the input string (up to any of a specified set of delimeters), but do not modify it. If the delimeter is not found, return the entire input string.
inline std::string string_pop_to(std::string &in_string, const std::string &delim = " ", size_t start_pos = 0, bool skip_quotes = false, bool skip_parens = false, bool skip_braces = false, bool skip_brackets = false)
inline std::string string_get_to(const std::string &in_string, const std::string &delim = " ", size_t start_pos = 0)
inline std::string string_pop_word(std::string &in_string)
Remove a prefix of a string, up to the first whitespace, and return it.
inline std::string string_get_word(const std::string &in_string, size_t start_pos = 0)
Return a prefix of a string, up to the first whitespace (do not modify the original string)
inline std::string string_pop_line(std::string &in_string)
Remove a prefix of a string, up to the first newline, and return it.
inline std::string string_get_line(const std::string &in_string, size_t start_pos = 0)
Return a prefix of a string, up to the first newline (do not modify the original string)
inline std::string left_justify(std::string &in_string)
Remove all whitespace at the beginning of a string. Return the whitespace removed.
inline void justify(std::string &in_string)
Remove all whitespace at both the beginning and the end of a string.
template<typename MAP_T>
std::string replace_vars(const std::string &in_string, const MAP_T &var_map) Find any instances of ${X} and replace with dictionary lookup of X.
template<typename FUN_T>
std::string replace_macro(const std::string &str, std::string macro_name, FUN_T &&fun, bool skip_quotes = true) Find any instance of MACRO_NAME(ARGS) and call replace it with fun(ARGS).
Find any instance of MACRO_NAME(ARGS) and replace it with fun(ARGS).
- Parameters:
in_string – String to perform macro replacement.
macro_name – Name of the macro to look for.
macro_fun – Function to call with contents of macro. Params are macro_args (string), line_num (size_t), and hit_num (size_t)
skip_quotes – Should we skip quotes when looking for macro?
- Returns:
Processed version of in_string with macros replaced.
static inline std::string_view view_string(const std::string_view &str)
Provide a string_view on a given string.
static inline std::string_view view_string(const std::string_view &str, size_t start)
Provide a string_view on a string from a given starting point.
static inline std::string_view view_string(const std::string_view &str, size_t start, size_t npos)
Provide a string_view on a string from a starting point with a given size.
static inline std::string_view view_string_front(const std::string_view &str, size_t npos)
Provide a string_view on a string from the beginning to a given size.
static inline std::string_view view_string_back(const std::string_view &str, size_t npos)
Provide a string_view on a string from a starting point with a given size.
static inline std::string_view view_string_range(const std::string_view &str, size_t start, size_t end)
Provide a string_view on a string from a starting point to an ending point.
static inline std::string_view view_string_to(const std::string_view &in_string, const char delim, size_t start_pos = 0)
Return a view of the prefix of the input string up to a specified delimeter. If the delimeter is not found, return the entire input string.
inline std::string repeat(const std::string &value, const size_t n)
Concatenate n copies of a string.
static inline void slice(const std::string_view &in_string, vector<std::string> &out_set, const char delim = '\n', const size_t max_split = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(), const bool keep_quotes = false, const bool keep_parens = false, const bool keep_braces = false, const bool keep_brackets = false)
Cut up a string based on the provided delimiter; fill them in to the provided vector.
Cut up a string based on the provided delimiter; fill them in to the provided vector.
- Parameters:
in_string – string to be sliced
out_set – destination
delim – delimiter to split on
max_split – defines the maximum number of splits
keep_quotes – Should quoted text be kept together?
keep_parens – Should parentheses (‘(’ and ‘)’) be kept together?
keep_braces – Should braces (‘{’ and ‘}’) be kept together?
keep_brackets – Should brackets (‘[’ and ‘]’) be kept together?
in_string – string to be sliced
out_set – destination
delim – delimiter to split on
max_split – defines the maximum number of splits
keep_quotes – Should quoted text be treated as a unit?
keep_parens – Should parens be treated as a unit?
keep_braces – Should braces be treated as a unit?
keep_brackets – Should brackets be treated as a unit?
static inline vector<std::string> slice(const std::string_view &in_string, const char delim = '\n', const size_t max_split = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(), const bool keep_quotes = false, const bool keep_parens = false, const bool keep_braces = false, const bool keep_brackets = false)
Slice a string without passing in result vector (may be less efficient).
- Parameters:
in_string – string to be sliced
delim – delimiter to split on
max_split – defines the maximum number of splits
keep_quotes – Should quoted text be kept together?
keep_parens – Should parentheses (‘(’ and ‘)’) be kept together?
keep_braces – Should braces (‘{’ and ‘}’) be kept together?
keep_brackets – Should brackets (‘[’ and ‘]’) be kept together?
static inline void view_slices(const std::string_view &in_string, vector<std::string_view> &out_set, char delim = '\n', const bool keep_quotes = false, const bool keep_parens = false, const bool keep_braces = false, const bool keep_brackets = false)
Create a set of string_views based on the provided delimiter; fill them in to the provided vector.
- Parameters:
in_string – string to be sliced
out_set – destination vector
delim – delimiter to split on
keep_quotes – Should quoted text be kept together?
keep_parens – Should parentheses (‘(’ and ‘)’) be kept together?
keep_braces – Should braces (‘{’ and ‘}’) be kept together?
keep_brackets – Should brackets (‘[’ and ‘]’) be kept together?
static inline vector<std::string_view> view_slices(const std::string_view &in_string, char delim = '\n', const bool keep_quotes = false, const bool keep_parens = false, const bool keep_braces = false, const bool keep_brackets = false)
Slice a string without passing in result vector (may be less efficient).
static inline std::map<std::string, std::string> slice_assign(const std::string_view &in_string, const char delim = ',', std::string assign_op = "=", const size_t max_split = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(), const bool trim_whitespace = true, const bool keep_quotes = true, const bool keep_parens = true, const bool keep_braces = true, const bool keep_brackets = true)
Slice a string without passing in result vector (may be less efficient).
- Parameters:
in_string – string to be sliced
delim – delimiter to split on (default ‘,’)
assign – separator for left and right side of assignment (default: “=”)
max_split – defines the maximum number of splits (default, no max)
keep_quotes – Should quoted text be kept together? (default: no)
trim_whitespace – Should extra whitespace around delim or assign be ignored?
static inline std::string_view ViewNestedBlock(std::string_view str, const std::string symbols = "()", size_t start = 0)
View a section of a string with the properly matching nested blocks. For example if ((abc(de))f(ghi)) would return “(abc(de))f(ghi)” at 0, “de” at 5, or “” at 2 (since there is no start!)
template<typename T, size_t N>
inline std::string ToString(const array<T, N> &container) Setup ToString declarations for built-in types.
Setup ToString to work on arrays.
template<typename T, typename ...Ts>
inline std::string ToString(const vector<T, Ts...> &container) Setup ToString to work on vectors.
template<typename ...Ts>
inline std::string to_string(const Ts&... values) This function does its best to convert any type to a string. Accepts any number of arguments and returns a single concatenated string. Conversions attempted for an object ‘x’ include (in order):
Call a x.ToString()
Call appropriate ToString(x) overload
Pass x through stringstream
inline const std::string &to_string(const std::string &value)
Overload of to_string() string arguments to be directly returned.
template<typename T>
inline T from_string(const std::string &str) This function tries to convert a string into any type you’re looking for… You just need to specify the out type as the template argument.
template<typename ...Ts>
inline void from_string(const std::string &str, Ts&... args) The from_string() function can also take multiple args instead of a return.
template<typename T>
inline vector<T> from_strings(const vector<std::string> &string_v) The from_strings() function takes a vector of strings and converts them into a vector of the appropriate type.
template<typename T>
inline T from_string(std::string_view str) This function tries to convert a string_view into any other type… You must need to specify the out type as the template argument.
template<typename CONTAINER_T>
inline std::string join(const CONTAINER_T &container, std::string join_str = "") This function returns values from a container as a single string separated by a given delimeter.
- Parameters:
container – is any standard-interface container holding objects to be joined.
join_str – optional delimeter
- Returns:
merged string of all values
inline constexpr char ANSI_ESC()
inline std::string to_ansi_bold(const std::string &_in)
Make a string appear bold when printed to the command line.
inline std::string to_ansi_italic(const std::string &_in)
Make a string appear italics when printed to the command line.
inline std::string to_ansi_underline(const std::string &_in)
Make a string appear underline when printed to the command line.
inline std::string to_ansi_blink(const std::string &_in)
Make a string appear blink when printed to the command line.
inline std::string to_ansi_reverse(const std::string &_in)
Make a string appear reverse when printed to the command line.
static inline size_t next_pos(std::string_view in_string, size_t pos, bool keep_quotes = false, bool keep_parens = false, bool keep_braces = false, bool keep_brackets = false)
Advance a position in a string, respecting quotes, parens, braces, and brackets as indicated
- Parameters:
in_string – string being stepped through
pos – Position to advance from
keep_quotes – Should quoted text be treated as a unit?
keep_parens – Should parens be treated as a unit?
keep_braces – Should braces be treated as a unit?
keep_brackets – Should brackets be treated as a unit?