Div Widgets maintain an ordered collection of other widgets in an HTML div.
When printed to the web page, these internal widgets are presented in order.
To create a Div:
Div my_div(“name”);
To use a Div:
my_div << “Add this text!” << Image(“my_image.png”) << “<br>”;
To register a Div in a Document:
my_doc << my_div;
- Todo:
Should we move all widget_dict info into Document?
Formerly called Slate.h
class Div : public internal::WidgetFacet<Div>
- #include <Div.hpp>
A widget to track a div in an HTML file, and all of its contents.
Subclassed by Card, CommentBox, ConfigPanel, Document, Element, Modal, ValueBox
Public Types
using INFO_TYPE = internal::DivInfo
Public Functions
inline ~Div()
inline double ScrollTop() const
Where is the top of the scroll region?
inline void Clear()
Clear the contents of this div.
inline void ClearChildren()
Remove all child widgets from this div.
inline bool HasChild(const Widget &test_child) const
Determine if a specified widget is internal to this one.
inline void Deactivate(bool top_level) override
Remove this widget from the current document.
inline Widget &Find(const std::string &test_name)
Get an internal widget to this div, by the specified name.
inline bool HasChild(const std::string &test_name) const
Determine if a specified widget is internal to this one.
using INFO_TYPE = internal::DivInfo