- previous applications from the lab:
- Matthew Andres Moreno research statement, personal statement
- Alexander Lalejini research statement, personal statement
- Application: https://hertzfoundation.org/fellowships/application
- Looking for: https://hertzfoundation.org/fellowships/eligibility
- Deadline: October 23, 2019
Letters of Recommendation: 4 (DUE 10/25/2019)
- Three short essay responses (300 words)
- Question 1: Choice of Field and Future Expectations
- How did you choose your field and what are your primary expectations of your future career?
- Question 2: Proposed Field of Study
- How do your proposed field of study and career constitute an application of the physical sciences or engineering?
- Question 3: Choice of Graduate School
- What are the considerations involved in your choice of graduate school?
- Personal Statement:
- This page is to be used for submitting a personal essay that reveals your creativity beyond your research.
- This could include information about your favored extracurricular and leisure activities since your graduation from high school.
- Application: https://www.pdsoros.org/apply/online-application
- Looking for: https://www.pdsoros.org/apply/guidance-for-recommenders
- Deadline: Nov 1 2019 02:00 PM (EDT)
Letters of Recommendation: minimum of 3 (maximum of 5 DUE 11/1/2019) - Essay One:
- Tell us about your experiences as a New American. Whether as an immigrant yourself, or as a child of immigrants, how have your experiences as a New American informed and shaped who you are and your accomplishments?
- Feel free to discuss how individual people (such as family or teachers), institutions, aspects of law, culture, society or American governance made an impact on your life as an immigrant or child of immigrants.
- The program is interested in understanding the context of your personal, professional, and academic accomplishments.
- Essay Two:
- Tell us about your current and near-term career-related activities and goals, as well as why you decided to pursue the specific graduate program(s) and school(s) that you have.
- How do you see your current work and study informing your early career goals?
- Requirements/Application: http://www.gemfellowship.org/students/gem-fellowship-program/application-instructions/
- Deadline: November 15, 2019
- Letters of Recommendation: 3 (DUE 11/15/2019)
- Statement of Purpose
- You must submit at least a one page statement of purpose that outlines your academic, research and/or career goals
- Application/Looking For: http://sites.nationalacademies.org/PGA/FordFellowships/PGA_166320
- Deadline: December 17, 2019 at 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST)
- Letters of Recommendation: minimum of 3 (maximum of 5, DUE 1/7/2020)
- Personal Statement (MAX 2 PAGES):
- Capacity to respond in pedagogically productive ways to the learning needs of students from diverse backgrounds
- Sustained personal engagement with communities that are underrepresented in the academy and ability to bring this asset to learning, teaching, and scholarship at the college or university level
- Likelihood of using the diversity of human experience as an educational resource in teaching and scholarship
- Membership in one or more of the following groups whose underrepresentation in the American professoriate has been severe and longstanding
- Statement of Previous Research and Scholarly Productivity (MAX 3 PAGES)
- including a list of publications and presentations
- Description of research as part of coursework or outside of class in an internship or summer research program
- Explanation of methods used and expected results of current research
- Publications in reverse chronological order
- Presentations in reverse chronological order
- Proposed Plan of Graduate Study and Research
- applicant’s long-range career goals
- Description of the chosen area of study and the research issue of interest
- Explanation of why the chosen institution is especially suited to the field of study and the type of study to be undertaken
- Explanation of the relevancy of courses to be taken and how they relate to the proposed plan of study and research
- Description of the research to be conducted including general methods and a timeline
- Explanation of long-range career goals and how this fellowship will advance the applicant’s career
- Explanation of how proposed research relates to a larger community and society as a whole and why study will be useful