This file maintains information about events available in virtual hardware.
This file is largely based on InstLib.h.
template<typename HARDWARE_T>
class EventLib - #include <EventLib.hpp>
Public Types
using hardware_t = HARDWARE_T
using event_t = typename hardware_t::event_t
using fun_t = std::function<void(hardware_t&, const event_t&)>
using fun_set_t = FunctionSet<void(hardware_t&, const event_t&)>
Public Functions
inline EventLib()
inline ~EventLib()
inline const std::string &GetName(size_t id) const
Get the string name of the specified event definition.
inline const fun_t &GetHandler(size_t id) const
Get the handler function of the specified event definition.
inline const fun_set_t &GetDispatchFuns(size_t id) const
Get the dispatch function set of the specified event definition.
inline const std::string &GetDesc(size_t id) const
Get the string description of the specified event definition.
inline const properties_t &GetProperties(size_t id) const
Get a const reference to an event definition’s properties.
inline bool HasProperty(size_t id, std::string property) const
Does the event definition specified by id have the property specified.
inline size_t GetSize() const
Get the number of events registered to this event library.
inline size_t GetID(const std::string &name) const
Get the event ID of the event given by string name.
inline void AddEvent(const std::string &name, const fun_t &handler_fun, const std::string &desc = "", const properties_t &event_properties = properties_t())
Add a new event to the event library.
inline void RegisterDispatchFun(size_t id, fun_t dispatch_fun)
Register a dispatch function for the event specified by id.
inline void RegisterDispatchFun(const std::string &name, fun_t dispatch_fun)
Register a dispatch function for the event specified by name.
inline void TriggerEvent(hardware_t &hw, const event_t &event) const
Trigger event.
inline void HandleEvent(hardware_t &hw, const event_t &event) const
Handle event.
using hardware_t = HARDWARE_T