
This file maintains information about instructions availabel in virtual hardware.


enum class ScopeType

ScopeType is used for scopes that we need to do something special at the end. Eg: LOOP needs to go back to beginning of loop; FUNCTION needs to return to call.


enumerator NONE
enumerator ROOT
enumerator BASIC
enumerator LOOP
enumerator FUNCTION
template<typename HARDWARE_T, typename ARG_T = size_t, size_t ARG_COUNT = 3>
class InstLib
#include <InstLib.hpp>

InstLib maintains a set of instructions for use in virtual hardware.

Template Parameters:
  • HARDWARE_T – Type of the virtual hardware class to track instructions.

  • ARG_T – What types of arguments are associated with instructions.

  • ARG_COUNT – Max number of arguments on an instruction.

Public Types

using hardware_t = HARDWARE_T
using inst_t = typename hardware_t::inst_t
using genome_t = vector<inst_t>
using arg_t = ARG_T
using fun_t = std::function<void(hardware_t&, const inst_t&)>
using inst_properties_t = std::unordered_set<std::string>

Public Functions

InstLib(const InstLib&) = delete

Copy Constructor.

InstLib(InstLib&&) = delete

Move Constructor.

InstLib &operator=(const InstLib&) = default

Copy Operator.

InstLib &operator=(InstLib&&) = default

Move Operator.

inline const std::string &GetName(size_t idx) const

Return the name associated with the specified instruction ID.

inline const fun_t &GetFunction(size_t idx) const

Return the function associated with the specified instruction ID.

inline size_t GetNumArgs(size_t idx) const

Return the number of arguments expected for the specified instruction ID.

inline const std::string &GetDesc(size_t idx) const

Return the provided description for the providxed instruction ID.

inline ScopeType GetScopeType(size_t idx) const

What type of scope does this instruction state? ScopeType::NONE is default.

inline size_t GetScopeArg(size_t idx) const

If this instruction alters scope, idxentify which argument does so.

inline const inst_properties_t &GetProperties(size_t idx) const

Return the set of properties for the providxed instruction ID.

inline char GetSymbol(size_t idx) const
inline bool HasProperty(size_t idx, std::string property) const

Does the given instruction ID have the given property value?

inline size_t GetSize() const

Get the number of instructions in this set.

inline bool IsInst(const std::string name) const

Returns boolean indicating whether the given string is a valid instruction.

inline size_t GetID(const size_t idx) const
inline size_t GetID(const std::string &name) const

Return the ID of the instruction that has the specified name.

inline size_t GetIDFromSymbol(char symbol) const

Return the ID of the instruction associated with the specified symbol.

inline size_t GetIndex(const std::string &name) const

Return the ID of the instruction that has the specified name.

inline size_t GetIndex(const size_t id) const

Return the ID of the instruction that has the specified id.

inline size_t GetIndexFromSymbol(char symbol) const
inline arg_t GetArg(const std::string &name)

Return the argument value associated with the provided keyword.

inline void AddInst(const std::string &name, const fun_t &fun_call, size_t num_args = 0, const std::string &desc = "", ScopeType scope_type = ScopeType::NONE, size_t scope_arg = (size_t)-1, const inst_properties_t &inst_properties = inst_properties_t(), int _id = -1)

Add a new instruction to the set.

  • name – A unique string name for this instruction.

  • fun_call – The function that should be called when this instruction is executed.

  • num_args – How many arguments does this function require? (default=0)

  • desc – A description of how this function operates. (default=””)

  • scope_type – Type of scope does this instruction creates. (default=ScopeType::NONE)

  • scope_arg – If instruction changes scope, which argument specifies new scope? (default=-1)

  • inst_properties – Strings representing arbitrary properties associated with instruction

inline void AddArg(const std::string &name, arg_t value)

Specify a keyword and arg value.

inline virtual void ProcessInst(hardware_t &hw, const inst_t &inst) const

Process a specified instruction in the provided hardware.

template<typename IN_HW>
inline void ProcessInst(Ptr<IN_HW> hw, const inst_t &inst) const

Process a specified instruction on hardware that can be converted to the correct type.

inline void WriteGenome(const genome_t &genome, std::ostream &os = std::cout) const

Write out a full genome to the provided ostream.

inline void ReadInst(genome_t &genome, std::string info) const

Read the instruction in the provided info and append it to the provided genome.

inline void PrintManifest(std::ostream &os = std::cout) const

Print out summary of instruction library.

Protected Attributes

vector<InstDef> inst_lib

Full definitions for instructions.

vector<fun_t> inst_funs

Map of instruction IDs to their functions.

std::map<std::string, size_t> name_map

How do names link to instructions?

std::map<size_t, size_t> id_map

How do identifiers link to instructions?

std::map<std::string, arg_t> arg_map

How are different arguments named?

std::string symbol_defaults = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789!@#$%^&*~_=,.|/\\><"

Symbols to use when representing individual instructions (80).

char extra_symbol = '+'

Symbol for more instructions than fit above.

array<size_t, 128> symbol_map

Map of symbols back to instruction IDs.

struct InstDef
#include <InstLib.hpp>

Public Functions

inline InstDef(size_t _idx, size_t _id, const std::string &_n, fun_t _fun, size_t _args, const std::string &_d, ScopeType _s_type, size_t _s_arg, const inst_properties_t &_properties = inst_properties_t(), char _sym = '?')
InstDef(const InstDef&) = default

Public Members

size_t index
size_t id
std::string name

Name of this instruction.

fun_t fun_call

Function to call when executing.

size_t num_args

Number of args needed by function.

std::string desc

Description of function.

ScopeType scope_type

How does this instruction affect scoping?

size_t scope_arg

Which arg indicates new scope (if any).

inst_properties_t properties

Are there any generic properties associated with this inst def?

char symbol

Unique symbol for this instruction.

struct InstructionBase
#include <InstLib.hpp>

Public Functions

inline virtual ~InstructionBase()
virtual size_t GetIndex() const = 0