Helper functions for working with SignalGP virtual hardware/programs.
- Todo:
Mutator class
template<size_t TAG_WIDTH>
BitSet<TAG_WIDTH> GenRandSignalGPTag(Random &rnd, const vector<BitSet<TAG_WIDTH>> &unique_from = vector<BitSet<TAG_WIDTH>>()) Generate one random SignalGP tag (BitSet<TAG_WIDTH>). Given a vector of other tags (unique_from), this function will guarantee the tag generated is unique with respect to those tags.
- Parameters:
rnd – - Random number generator to use when generating a random tag.
unique_from – - Other tags that the tag being generated should be unique with respect to.
template<size_t TAG_WIDTH>
vector<BitSet<TAG_WIDTH>> GenRandSignalGPTags(Random &rnd, size_t count, bool guarantee_unique = false, const vector<BitSet<TAG_WIDTH>> &unique_from = vector<BitSet<TAG_WIDTH>>()) Generate ‘count’ number of random SignalGP tags (BitSet<TAG_WIDTH>). Given a vector of other tags (unique_from), this function will guarantee the tags generated are unique with respect to those tags.
- Parameters:
rnd – - Random number generator to use when generating a random tag.
count – - How many tags should be generated?
guarantee_unique – - Should generated tags be guaranteed to be unique from each other and from tags in ‘unique_from’?
unique_from – - Other tags that the tag being generated should be unique with respect to. Only used if ‘guarantee_unique’ is true.
template<size_t TAG_WIDTH, typename TRAIT_T = double, typename MATCHBIN_T = MatchBin<size_t, HammingMetric<TAG_WIDTH>, RankedSelector<std::ratio<1, 2>>, MultiplicativeCountdownRegulator<>>>
EventDrivenGP_AW<TAG_WIDTH, TRAIT_T, MATCHBIN_T>::Instruction GenRandSignalGPInst(Random &rnd, const InstLib<EventDrivenGP_AW<TAG_WIDTH, TRAIT_T, MATCHBIN_T>> &inst_lib, int min_arg_val = 0, int max_arg_val = 15) Generate a random SignalGP instruction (templated off of tag width).
- Parameters:
rnd – - Random number generator to use when generating a random tag.
inst_lib – - Instruction library used to generate the instruction (instruction will be valid within instruction library)
min_arg_val – - Mininum value for an instruction argument.
max_arg_val – - Maximum value for an instruction argument.
template<size_t TAG_WIDTH, typename TRAIT_T = double, typename MATCHBIN_T = MatchBin<size_t, HammingMetric<TAG_WIDTH>, RankedSelector<std::ratio<1, 2>>, MultiplicativeCountdownRegulator<>>>
EventDrivenGP_AW<TAG_WIDTH, TRAIT_T, MATCHBIN_T>::Function GenRandSignalGPFunction(Random &rnd, const InstLib<EventDrivenGP_AW<TAG_WIDTH, TRAIT_T, MATCHBIN_T>> &inst_lib, size_t min_inst_cnt = 1, size_t max_inst_cnt = 32, int min_arg_val = 0, int max_arg_val = 15) Generate a random SignalGP function (templated off of tag width).
- Parameters:
rnd – - Random number generator to use when generating a random tag.
inst_lib – - Instruction library used to generate the function (instruction will be valid within instruction library)
min_inst_cnt – - Minimum number of instructions in generated function.
max_inst_cnt – - Maximum number of instructions in generated function.
min_arg_val – - Mininum value for an instruction argument.
max_arg_val – - Maximum value for an instruction argument.
template<size_t TAG_WIDTH, typename TRAIT_T = double, typename MATCHBIN_T = MatchBin<size_t, HammingMetric<TAG_WIDTH>, RankedSelector<std::ratio<1, 2>>, MultiplicativeCountdownRegulator<>>>
EventDrivenGP_AW<TAG_WIDTH, TRAIT_T, MATCHBIN_T>::Program GenRandSignalGPProgram(Random &rnd, const InstLib<EventDrivenGP_AW<TAG_WIDTH, TRAIT_T, MATCHBIN_T>> &inst_lib, size_t min_func_cnt = 1, size_t max_func_cnt = 16, size_t min_fun_len = 1, size_t max_fun_len = 32, int min_arg_val = 0, int max_arg_val = 15) Generate a random SignalGP program (templated off of tag width).
- Parameters:
rnd – - Random number generator to use when generating a random tag.
inst_lib – - Instruction library used to generate the program.
min_func_cnt – - Mininum number of functions in generated program.
max_func_cnt – - Maximum number of functions in generated program.
min_fun_len – - Minimum number of instructions per function.
max_fun_len – - Maximum number of instructions per function.
min_arg_val – - Mininum value for an instruction argument.
max_arg_val – - Maximum value for an instruction argument.
template<size_t TAG_WIDTH, typename TRAIT_T = double, typename MATCHBIN_T = MatchBin<size_t, HammingMetric<TAG_WIDTH>, RankedSelector<std::ratio<1, 2>>, MultiplicativeCountdownRegulator<>>>
class SignalGPMutator - #include <signalgp_utils.hpp>
The SignalGPMutator class provides a manager for applying (and minimally tracking) mutations for SignalGP programs.
A SignalGPMutator object has two major components:
A set of mutators
And, a set of generic mutator parameters
Additionally, a SignalGPMutator object keeps track of a standard set of SignalGP-specific program constraints to be used by mutators when modifying a program.
Mutators associated a name and a description with a function that mutates a SignalGP program.
Parameters associate a name, a parameter ID, and a description with a parameter value.
When a SignalGPMutator object is ‘applied’ (ApplyMutators) to a SignalGP program, it applies all mutators to the program in the order they were added to the SignalGPMutator object.
Each mutator reports the number of mutations caused by that mutator; this is tracked and can be extracted using the GetLastMutationCnt function.
By default a SignalGPMutator object has the capacity for the following mutations:
Whole-function duplication and deletion (each applied per-function)
Slip mutations (applied per-function)
Function-tag bit-flips (applied per-bit)
Single-instruction substitution (applied per-instruction)
Single-instruction insertions and deletions (each applied per-instruction)
Instruction-tag bit-flips (applied per-bit)
Instruction-argument substitutions (applied per-argument) NOTE: could use some feedback on this!
Not loving the inconsistency between rates and constraints at the moment.
Public Types
enum TagType
Tags can belong to two types of programmatic entities in SignalGP: functions and instructions.
enumerator FUNCTION
enumerator INSTRUCTION
enumerator FUNCTION
using hardware_t = EventDrivenGP_AW<TAG_WIDTH, TRAIT_T, MATCHBIN_T>
SignalGP hardware type.
using program_t = typename hardware_t::program_t
SignalGP program type.
using tag_t = typename hardware_t::affinity_t
SignalGP tag type.
using inst_lib_t = typename hardware_t::inst_lib_t
SignalGP instruction library type.
using inst_t = typename hardware_t::inst_t
SignalGP program instruction type.
using fun_t = typename hardware_t::Function
SignalGP program function type.
Public Functions
inline SignalGPMutator(size_t _PROG_MIN_FUNC_CNT = 1, size_t _PROG_MAX_FUNC_CNT = 8, size_t _PROG_MIN_FUNC_LEN = 1, size_t _PROG_MAX_FUNC_LEN = 32, size_t _PROG_MAX_TOTAL_LEN = 256, int _PROG_MIN_ARG_VAL = 0, int _PROG_MAX_ARG_VAL = 15)
SignalGPMutator(const SignalGPMutator&) = default
SignalGPMutator(SignalGPMutator&&) = default
inline ~SignalGPMutator()
SignalGPMutator &operator=(const SignalGPMutator&) = default
Copy operator.
SignalGPMutator &operator=(SignalGPMutator&&) = default
Move operator.
inline size_t ApplyMutations(program_t &p, Random &r)
ApplyMutations applies all added mutators to the given program and updates the last mutation count for each mutator.
- Parameters:
p – - program to be mutated
r – - random number generator to use
inline size_t ApplyMutator(const std::string &name, program_t &p, Random &r)
ApplyMutator applies a single mutator (given by name argument) to the given program and updates the last mutation count for that mutator.
inline size_t GetProgMinFuncCnt() const
inline size_t GetProgMaxFuncCnt() const
inline size_t GetProgMinFuncLen() const
inline size_t GetProgMaxFuncLen() const
inline size_t GetProgMaxTotalLen() const
inline int GetProgMinArgVal() const
inline int GetProgMaxArgVal() const
inline void SetProgMinFuncCnt(size_t val)
inline void SetProgMaxFuncCnt(size_t val)
inline void SetProgMinFuncLen(size_t val)
inline void SetProgMaxFuncLen(size_t val)
inline void SetProgMaxTotalLen(size_t val)
inline void SetProgMinArgVal(int val)
inline void SetProgMaxArgVal(int val)
inline double ARG_SUB__PER_ARG() const
inline double INST_SUB__PER_INST() const
inline double INST_INS__PER_INST() const
inline double INST_DEL__PER_INST() const
inline double SLIP__PER_FUNC() const
inline double FUNC_DUP__PER_FUNC() const
inline double FUNC_DEL__PER_FUNC() const
inline double TAG_BIT_FLIP__PER_BIT() const
inline void ARG_SUB__PER_ARG(double val)
inline void INST_SUB__PER_INST(double val)
inline void INST_INS__PER_INST(double val)
inline void INST_DEL__PER_INST(double val)
inline void SLIP__PER_FUNC(double val)
inline void FUNC_DUP__PER_FUNC(double val)
inline void FUNC_DEL__PER_FUNC(double val)
inline void TAG_BIT_FLIP__PER_BIT(double val)
inline size_t GetParamCnt() const
Return the number of registered parameters.
inline size_t GetParamID(const std::string &name) const
Return the ID of the mutation rate type that has the specified name. Return (size_t)-1 if nothing found.
inline double GetParam(size_t id) const
Return the rate associated with the specified mutation rate ID.
inline double GetParam(const std::string ¶m_name) const
Return the rate associated with the specified mutation rate name.
inline const std::string &GetParamDesc(size_t id) const
Return the description associated with the parameter specified by id.
inline const std::string &GetParamDesc(const std::string &name)
Return the description associated with the parameter specified by name.
inline const std::string &GetParamName(size_t id) const
Return the parameter name for the parameter with the given ID.
inline size_t AddParam(const std::string &name, double param, const std::string &desc = "")
Add a paramter to the parameter set. Return ID of that parameter, which can be used to access the parameter value more quickly than with its name.
inline void SetParam(const std::string &name, double param)
Modify existing parameter value (by name).
inline void SetParam(size_t id, double param)
Modify existing paramter value (by ID).
inline size_t GetMutatorCnt() const
Return the number of mutators in this SignalGPMutator object.
inline void AddMutator(const std::string &name, const mutator_fun_t &mut_fun, const std::string &desc = "")
Add a mutator to the mutator set.
inline void ClearMutators()
Remove all mutators from the mutator set.
inline void ResetMutators()
Reset mutator set back to the defaults.
inline const std::string &GetMutatorDesc(const std::string &name) const
Return the description associated with the mutator associated with name.
inline size_t GetLastMutationCnt(const std::string &name) const
Return the last mutation count from the mutator associated with name.
inline size_t DefaultMutator_FuncDup(program_t &program, Random &rnd)
Mutator: Default implementation for whole-function duplication mutations. Respects constraints (e.g., max total program length, etc.). Duplications occur at a per-function rate specified by the “FUNC_DUP__PER_FUNC” parameter value.
inline size_t DefaultMutator_FuncDel(program_t &program, Random &rnd)
Mutator: Default implementation for whole-function deletion mutations. Respects constraints (e.g., max total program length, etc.). Deletions occur at a per-function rate specified by the “FUNC_DEL__PER_FUNC” parameter value.
inline size_t DefaultMutator_FuncTag(program_t &program, Random &rnd)
Mutator: Default implementation for function tag mutations. Respects constraints (e.g., max total program length, etc.). Function tag bit-flips occur at a per-bit rate specified by the “TAG_BIT_FLIP__PER_BIT” parameter value.
inline size_t DefaultMutator_Slip(program_t &program, Random &rnd)
Mutator: Default implementation for slip mutations, which result in the duplication or deletion of sequences of instructions within a function. Respects constraints (e.g., max total program length, etc.). Slip-mutations occur at a per-function rate specified by the “SLIP__PER_FUNC” parameter value.
inline size_t DefaultMutator_Subs(program_t &program, Random &rnd)
Mutator: Default implementation for instruction substitution mutations, including instruction-operation substitutions, instruction-argument substitutions, and instruction-tag bit-flips. Respects constraints (e.g., max total program length, etc.). Instruction substitions occur at a per-instruction rate specified by “INST_SUB__PER_INST”. Instruction argument substitutions occur at a per-argument rate specified by “ARG_SUB__PER_ARG”. Instruction tag mutations occur at a per-bit rate specified by “TAG_BIT_FLIP__PER_BIT”.
inline size_t DefaultMutator_InstInDels(program_t &program, Random &rnd)
Mutator: Default implementation for single-instruction insertion and deletion mutations. Respects constraints (e.g., max total program length, etc.). Single-instruction insertions occur at a per-instruction rate specified by “INST_INS__PER_INST”. Single-instruction deletions occur at a per-instruction rate specified by “INST_DEL__PER_INST”.
Protected Functions
inline MutatorDef &GetMutator(size_t id)
Get the mutator specified by id.
inline const MutatorDef &GetConstMutator(size_t id) const
Get a const reference to the mutator specified by id.
Protected Attributes
vector<MutatorParamDef> param_lib
To hold added parameters.
vector<MutatorDef> mutator_lib
To hold added mutators.
std::map<std::string, size_t> mutator_name_map
Associate mutator name with location in mutator_lib.
size_t prog_min_func_cnt
Minimum number of functions mutations are allowed to reduce a SignalGP program to.
size_t prog_max_func_cnt
Maximum number of functions a mutated SignalGP program can grow to.
size_t prog_min_func_len
Minimum number of instructions a SignalGP function can shrink to.
size_t prog_max_func_len
Maximum number of instructions a SignalGP function can grow to.
size_t prog_max_total_len
Maximum number of total instructions a SignalGP program can grow to.
int prog_min_arg_val
Minimum argument value a SignalGP instruction can mutate to.
int prog_max_arg_val
Maximum argument value a SignalGP instruction can mutate to.
size_t arg_sub__per_arg__id
Rate ID for: Rate to apply substitutions to instruction arguments.
size_t inst_sub__per_inst__id
Rate ID for: Per-instruction rate to apply instruction substitutions.
size_t inst_ins__per_inst__id
Rate ID for: Per-instruction rate to apply instruction insertions.
size_t inst_del__per_inst__id
Rate ID for: Per-instruction rate to apply instruction deletions.
size_t slip__per_func__id
Rate ID for: Per-function rate to apply slip-mutations.
size_t func_dup__per_func__id
Rate ID for: Per-function rate to apply function duplications.
size_t func_del__per_func__id
Rate ID for: Per-function rate to apply function deletions.
size_t tag_bit_flip__per_bit__id
Rate ID for: Per-bit rate to apply tag bit flips.
struct MutatorDef
- #include <signalgp_utils.hpp>
Struct used to define a mutation operator.
Public Functions
inline MutatorDef(const std::string &_n, const mutator_fun_t &_fun, const std::string &_d)
inline MutatorDef(const std::string &_n, const mutator_fun_t &_fun, const std::string &_d)
template<typename Hardware>
class SignalGPMutatorFacade : public SignalGPMutator<Hardware::affinity_width, Hardware::trait_t, Hardware::matchbin_t> - #include <signalgp_utils.hpp>