
UI framework for live statistic readouts.

class ReadoutPanel : public Card
#include <ReadoutPanel.hpp>

Use a ReadoutPanel to display a collection of related live values in a Card.

Public Functions

inline ReadoutPanel(const std::string &group_name, const double refresh_milliseconds = 250, const std::string &state = "INIT_OPEN", const bool &show_glyphs = true, const std::string &id = "")
  • group_name – name for this collection of values, displayed in card header

  • refresh_milliseconds – the time in milliseconds between refreshes to the live values

  • state – initial state of the card, one of STAITC, INIT_OPEN, or INIT_CLOSED

  • show_glyphs – whether the underlying card should show toggle icons in card header

  • id – a user defined ID for ReadoutPanel div (default is emscripten generated)

template<typename VALUE_TYPE>
inline ReadoutPanel &AddValue(const std::string &name, const std::string &desc, VALUE_TYPE &&value)

Adds a LiveValueDisplay to this component and adds the value’s parent div to a list of divs to be redrawn at the refresh rate.

  • name – the name for this value.

  • desc – a description for this value.

  • value – a function that will return the string for this value.


the readout panel for chaining calls

template<typename VALUE_TYPE, typename ...OTHER_VALUES>
inline ReadoutPanel &AddValues(const std::string &name, const std::string &desc, VALUE_TYPE &&value, OTHER_VALUES&&... others)

A version of AddValue that can take multiple name, description, value tuples for ease of use when adding lots of values.

inline ReadoutPanel &AddValues()

Protected Functions

inline ReadoutPanel(const std::string &group_name, double refresh_milliseconds, const std::string &state, const bool &show_glyphs, internal::ReadoutPanelInfo *in_info)

A protected constructor for a ReadoutPanel which sets up the necessary structures for it to function. All other constructors should delegate to this one first before causing subsequent modifications.

  • group_name – name for this collection of values, displayed in card header

  • refresh_milliseconds – the minimum time in milliseconds between refreshes to the live values

  • state – initial state of the card, one of STATIC, INIT_OPEN, or INIT_CLOSED

  • show_glyphs – whether the underlying card should show toggle icons in card header

  • in_info – a pointer to the underlying ReadoutPanelInfo object for this ReadoutPanel or a pointer to a derived info object (simulating inheritance)

Protected Attributes

Div values = {to_string(GetID(), "_values")}

Protected Static Functions

static inline std::string FormatName(const std::string &name)

A helper function to formate IDs generated for sub-components.

Private Functions

inline internal::ReadoutPanelInfo *Info()

Get shared info pointer, cast to ReadoutPanel-specific type. Necessary to access info’s list of live divs.


cast pointer

inline const internal::ReadoutPanelInfo *Info() const

Get shared info pointer, cast to const ReadoutPanel-specific type. Necessary to access info’s list of live divs.


cast pointer